Grab Bar System

Global Builder’s Supplies Pte Ltd specializes in providing the Grab Bar Systems (GBS) series of Antibacterial & Crashworthy Assistive Products.

Manufactured to the highest standards, GBS series products consist of handrails, wall guards & protection barrier-free grab bars as well as other specialized & customized human assistive products.

Made from the highest quality aluminium alloy inner-core, acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) & polyvinyl chloride (PVC) GBS are equipped with antibiosis, antisepsis & antibacterial qualities which are impact resistant & fireproof.

Grab Bar Systems is widely adopted & applied in HDB BTO and HIP, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Retirement Homes, Apartments, Airports, Schools, Child-Care Centres for the aged and handicapped friendly facilities in new developments.